Texas TRIO Association |
The Texas TRIO Association Scholarship Committee announces the 2024 Walter O. Mason and Matthew W. Taylor Scholarship Competition. The application is currently closed and was due March 29, 2024.
1. Each program may submit a maximum of two applications and shall establish its own criteria for determining which two applications are forwarded to the scholarship committee. Please note students will need to submit each requested document as a separate pdf file. Program Director’s are responsible for collecting and reviewing the applications to select the two they wish to be considered for the scholarship competition.
2. Applications (maximum of two) recommended by the Program Director must be submitted by the student with the assistance of the Program Director via the AwardSpring scholarship portal (https://txtrio.awardspring.com/) by March 29, 2024. The Program Director will need to assist the student in registering an account with the AwardSpring scholarship portal from the link below to submit scholarship documents from the application checklist. The student will create an account with their email address and upload each document in pdf format (7 total documents).
3. The Texas TRIO Association Scholarship Committee will review and rank all submitted applications. The highest-ranking application will be awarded the Walter O. Mason Scholarship, partially funded by the Walter O’ Mason Foundation. Other deserving applications (in subsequent order) will receive the Matthew W. Taylor scholarship, fully funded by Texas TRIO Association. The number of Matthew W. Taylor scholarships winners will be determined by the Texas TRIO Association Executive Board.
4. The Scholarship Committee will submit the application rankings to the Texas TRIO Association Executive Board. The Scholarship Co-Chairs will contact the TRIO Directors and Scholarship Recipients in May 2024.
5. Program Director/staff who recommended scholarships must be a Texas TRIO Association active member in good standing.
Note: The scholarship committee will not score incomplete applications.
Applicants should submit the application and the supporting documents in the formats requested in the application.
Pre-Collegiate Scholarship Application